Easygolf Loaing
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Round summary

Round History show your handicap, round information and statistical graphics.
Account information:
Your name and Easygolf ID.
Showing your handicap and your best handicap achieved over the 365-day period (Best HI).
Round information:
Showing round detail: Golf club name, date and time of the round.
Showing your round score: Gross score, score compare to par; how many hole you have entered score (Thru); Par of the round; Fairway hit and Green in regular.
Showing players play on the round.
Tap on to show full scorecard of 18 holes round.
Showing your hole score, par, SI.
Showing your performance of each hole:
Fairway Hit: ( LEFT), ( HIT), ( RIGHT) , ( MISS).
Green In Regulation ( HIT), ( MISS).
Base on the data you enter on each past round. We generate statistic showing your own ability and potential.